Welcome to our informational site on the bankruptcy process and some local procedures that you must know as a “pro se” filer (someone who represents himself or herself without a lawyer). This information is not legal advice. You can only receive that from a lawyer. Note: These pages do not contain all information about requirements applicable to the United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Florida. Please review all the pages within this court’s website for additional information.
LEGAL ADVICE: The Judges, Judges’ Staff, Clerk, or Clerk’s Staff are NOT PERMITTED to provide legal advice and/or speak (or correspond, including email) with you in an ex parte communication (which means without the other side present).
TO FILE ANY DOCUMENT: Mail or Personally deliver your SIGNED & DATED document to the Clerk’s Office. DO NOT email any document to the Clerk’s Office or to the Judge or Judge’s Chamber.
***Caution Before Proceeding Without a Lawyer***
Filing bankrupty is a serious decision and should not be taken without considering the long-term financial and legal consequences. While individuals appearing as debtors (including spouses filing jointly), creditors or other interested parties before this court do not have to be represented by a lawyer, it is recommended you meet with a lawyer before you file so that you can carefully consider your options. NOTE: A corporation must be represented by counsel, except in certain limited instances: Rule 9010-1(B) – Notice of Appearance.
If you choose to represent yourself, you will be expected to comply with applicable law and procedures just like a lawyer. This includes the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the court’s Local Rules.